Our Services

Grid Connect

Mostly Residential

Ideal for residential homes to reduce electricity bills. Harvest free solar energy and sell it back to the grid.

Grid Commercial solar components:

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During daylight hours a grid connected solar system will power your home or business from electricity harvested from the sun. Grid connect is simply buying power when you need it and selling it back when you produce more than you use. When your electricity demand is less than what your solar system is producing, your inverter will automatically feed the excess power back into the mains grid. At night times, when your electricity demands exceed your solar system production, you will automatically import power from the mains grid.
Stardust Solar Net Metering modified

Hybrid Solar

Residential, Rural & Commercial

Save on electricity bills and supply your own power, even during backouts, Product on-demand battery power from your solar array. Ideal for homes, businesses, or rural locations.

Grid Connected Solar Components

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A hybrid system is a grid-connected solar system with battery storage capabilities. During daylight hours, a hybrid grid-connected solar system will power your home or business from electricity harvested from the sun.

When your electricity demand is less than what your solar system is generating, your inverter will automatically feed the excess power back into battery storage. Power can be drawn at night, during black outs and long periods of cloud cover or no sun, from the stored energy in the batteries. Our hybrid systems even offer additional input sources to link to wind power and generators.

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Off-Grid Solar

Commercial & Rural

Produce endless power silently, cleanly, and cheaply. Commercial and off-grid solutions available.

Grid Commercial solar components:

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Off-grid stand-alone systems are designed to deliver power throughout the day and night with battery storage capabilities. off-grid solar systems are sometimes the only solution for homeowners and businesses that do not have access to an electrical grid.

This system works by storing the solar energy into a bank of high-quality Trojan batteries. The stored energy is then sent to an inverter that converts the energy from direct current (DC) to alternating current (AC). The inverter sends that AC electricity to the breaker box in your homme, which provides the electricity to power your household outlets, lights, and  appliances.